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Per patiti del web/8 - Le pillole di SXSW by Matteo Sarzana/VML@Y&R


SXSW è un festival musicale, cinematografico e delle tecnologie emergenti che ha luogo ogni anno a marzo ad Austin (Texas) e che quest’anno celebra il 25°anniversario. Dal 1994, le conferenze nel campo interattivo hanno fatto del Festival il luogo ideale per il lancio di tecnologie digitali emergenti. In diretta da Austin per Youmark ogni giorno le pillole con le novità principali, raccontate da Matteo Sarzana, general manager di VML, la divisione digital di Y&R Brands. 

Sean Parker Presentation
Al Gore, Sean Parker 

We still live in the age of television.
Television is a centralising force, a one way communication process.
American watch it 7 hours a day.
Television has gatekeeper, you cannot get access to it unless you have money and power (or you can use current tv).
Corporations and people who have the money to shape the people’s mind do use television to do it.
Public interest companies has a hard time to get exposure on tv. The internet can help them. 

In 2003/2004 a shift happened the rise of social media occurred. The internet helped to leverage the power of the individuals, in the second phase of it (2003-2004) everybody has created an online representation of themselves.
Just having large numbers of people on social medias is not enough. In 2006 I started asking myself how these masses of person could be used to actually make something. We needed to start replicating the tools that political campaignwere using to engage with people and activate them to connect with their friends.
At that time I discovered a company called 'causes', which had all the tools needed to activate people and create something, change something in the real world.
There are lot of movements benefitting from people who got connected using social medias and internet: occupywallstreet, indignados, etc… 

Someone says that these relationships between people who are part of the same movements are weaker than those who were created offline. That’s why it’s not enough to sign up online, there’s still the need for people donating money and aggregating offline to demonstrate or protest.
At 'causes' we started focusing on the online and viral experience to gain a huge user base, now we’re looking for ways to engage this user base offline, doing real actions. 

New medias will have a role in changing the politics also. I think some candidates will getelected even if they raised less money than their competitors just for having used the tools available online to connect to their userbase.
The role of money in politics has been growing in the past 50 years, that’s why I welcome the use of internet also in politics, but be aware that still tv usage in the us is growing every year and people are using internet while watching tv, so still there’s a lot to do because right now 80% of the money in tv. 

Since politicians do not have the money to get on tv, they as it to corporations and interest and so the principles of democracy is broken since no one would ever do anything against the corporations interests because it would me no money the following here. This is true unless there’s a huge, massive, people movement supporting a change in legislation and that’s were online movements can help. 

Social medias, I believed, are now so developed that they act as a watchdog on decisions made inside Washington offices, that’s why we need movements like 'occupydemocracy'.
How can you take the money out of the process? Money is only a proxy for votes. If you could provide votes for free, this would solve part of the problems and this is why social medias are so powerful because they use the same tools of political campaigns.
If you go online and find ways to connect with people who share the same values and look for the truth to appear you can then leverage on these. 

Part one is the spread of informations and truth, but it needs to be followed by the capabilities for the people to connect and spread it around to make it big and relevant.
There’s a short term win, which is to bring informations about what politicians are doing nationwide to a level to which everyone can get access to it, since right now there are so many elections in the us and no one knows what is happening. It might be a good opportunity to launch a wikidemocracy site to have this information be spread around.
We need to overcome apathy; people need to understand that by joining together things can be done. We might need a few more wins to pass this belief on.

Matteo Sarzana, Austin


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