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Per patiti del web/2 - Le pillole di SXSW by Matteo Sarzana/VML@Y&R


SXSW è un festival musicale, cinematografico e delle tecnologie emergenti che ha luogo ogni anno a marzo ad Austin (Texas) e che quest’anno celebra il 25°anniversario. Dal 1994, le conferenze nel campo interattivo hanno fatto del Festival il luogo ideale per il lancio di tecnologie digitali emergenti. In diretta da Austin per Youmark ogni giorno le pillole con le novità principali, raccontate da Matteo Sarzana, general manager di VML, la divisione digital di Y&R Brands

The Complexity Curve: How to Design for Simplicity
David Hogue 

Complexity is easy.
Everything can become complex, even our wristwatches. Easy to read. Impossible to set.
How do we make things simpler?
We need to define what is complexity first, it comes from complexus, latin for joined together. We know when we’re dealing it, but it’s difficult to define what complexity is.
Three perspectives:
- Designers 
# Appearances ->make enough space, avoid noise, create hierarchy 
# Functionality, context and flow: looking at a web page -> how does it work?
- Users 
# What is the users goal? Structure -> how are things organized and created? The structure gives users the directions and the flow which must be followed to accomplish a goal
# If I find what I need when I need it I think it simple and easy even if the space is full of information.
- scientist 
# chaos. For example weather even if there’re equation to describe the weather, there’s no way to predict it with a 100% successful rate 
# chaos:
„X it changes anytime
„X it is deterministic
„X not predictable but not random
„X self organizing
„X emergent structure
„X sensitivity to perturbation. A small change now can produce a huge change later.

Some things are naturally complex.
Complex systems, even if they have a large numbers of variables can be described with a few key variables.
During the creation of a process more and more complexity is added till the point of where the product is at top level of complexity and feature complete.

Expectations vs Reality: mental model (user) - Conceptual model (interface) system model (device). Users wants the conceptual model to be matched with the mental model. They don’t care about the system model, as long as it works.

Design patterns. If you copy them it might not be used for what it was designed before.
Anti patterns. Patterns which needs to be discovered (facebook photo page)
Dark patterns. Patterns which lead users to do something they were not willing to do.
Be careful that new pattern is a better solution than the new one and users will be able to use them.

Complexity is not difficulty.
Difficult tasks are tasks we still do not have the experience to deal with easily.
People deal with difficulty using expertise.
To solve difficulty designers need to teach how to use a product, once users do learn them, they start immediately to interact without having to look at instructions again.

Not everything should be simple.
How do we reduce complexity? More clarity, revise structure and start the process from the finish to the start.
consider technology 2- be patient for the right technology to become available 3- the users desire push technology forward
if there’s only one way to do something, users will tolerate it.

Leverage our ignorance. Preserve the ideas before knowing those cannot be done because of constraints.
Put people first. Motivation, what drives users? Behaviour, how will they act. Emotion, how will the users feel? Creativity.
Use mentals models and be sure to match conceptual and mental models while hiding system models.
People mental models evolve and so do conceptual models.

Focus (user attention and force their flow) and reduce (users efforts, time, errors)!

Simplicity is not just about reduction.
Shift the complexity away from the person (ie dynamic field for credit card).

Use critical thinking.

How do we make stuff simplier?
It maybe complex if
'messy and confusing' ->irrelevance, mesy
indirect action
everything to everyone ->too many variables
design by consensus ->scope creep
'nice to have' -> noise clutter excess
'copying solutions' -> simplify
leading with technology ->solving wrong or non existing problems.
Designing for yourself ->ignoring the people mental models
Accepting assumptions 

Matteo Sarzana, Austin


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