Per patiti del web/1 - Le pillole di SXSW by Matteo Sarzana/VML@Y&R
SXSW è un festival musicale, cinematografico e delle tecnologie emergenti che ha luogo ogni anno a marzo ad Austin (Texas) e che quest’anno celebra il 25°anniversario. Dal 1994, le conferenze nel campo interattivo hanno fatto del Festival il luogo ideale per il lancio di tecnologie digitali emergenti. In diretta da Austin per Youmark ogni giorno le pillole con le novità principali, raccontate da Matteo Sarzana, general manager di VML, la divisione digital di Y&R Brands.
Brand as patterns
Robin Lanahan Design & Brand Strategy Microsoft
The story of a brand evolve as the context evolves. A story is a series of event that conveys meaning. There’s a difference between the story framework which stays behind and the story telling which is what comes into the surface. The great brands actually stand for something much more than being a powerful brand and company, they are based on shared values. Is important to plan each media to tell the story and plan the up and downs since the story cannot have always the same rhythm. That’s why the facebook timeline will be useful for brands since it will enable them to tell a story.
Walter Werzowa composer
The act of composing music is similar to developing a brand. Successful brands, like music are built through the right combination of what is expected and something new. We lose the audience with either the lack of expected (chaos) or variation. Patterns are driving force in our brands. When people need to answer a question, millions of different answer do come up, but at the end only one, the most relevant, is the one which is given. The brand must be flexible enough to be considered as an answer to the people question. Successful branding: the reward is dopamine, something that excites your brain and make people feel better because they found the answer they were looking for.
Brand as Pattern - Brand as Interface
According to the panel presiding over ‘Brand as Pattern,’ interaction designers are the next generation of brand stewards. Yes, interaction. Brands are no long fixed entities. Brands areban interface to user experience. Example: Continental meets United. What a bad bad romance it’s been. One of the panelists, razor-sharp Robin Lanaham (Brand Strategy, Microsoft) told a story of her trip to Austin where upon switching planes en route, her e-boarding pass no longer worked. It took three United Airline representatives, none of whom understood how to use the new system, to fix the problem and send her on her way. She made the flight. Barely. With a headache and elevated heart rate. “If they approached the merger/co-branding as designing an experience as opposed to simply an exercise in throwing new logos on the side of their airplanes, my experience…and in turn my perception of the brands, would probably be way more positive.” Which is a simple way to reiterate the importance of think of a brand as a portal to user experience. 360 degrees of brand. 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Digital brands are naturally more fluid with brand design and the greatest momentum is probably coming from this space. Yes, it requires analog brands to tear down old models, there is no turning back. Analog brands need to take cue from digital friends. Push themselves to become more fluid and less fixed. To quote Greg Johnson, Global Creative Director at HP: Digital is no longer a medium, it’s the world we’re living in. Love it. Learn from it.
Matteo Sarzana, Austin
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